Fleet Risk Management System - FRM |
Fleet Risk Management (frm) is specifically designed to deal with the management of transport risk in Work Related Road Safety, or as it is also known, Driving at Work and Occupational Road Risk. Fleetrisk24 has found that clients also benefit from using frm to record their Workplace Transport to ensure that there is single system to manage their transport health and safety. |
Frm is a secure online extranet system which stores risk management information input by the driver and the frm administration team. This information is analysed by the risk management team who will report to you to develop strategies to reduce any risks that have been identified. |
The Fleetrisk24 frm risk management team will provide you with:
- Focussed exception reports indicating only specific risks
- Solutions to address identified risks on an individual basis
The Fleetrisk24 frm system is a blend of technology and human processing providing you with a well structured management system allowing you to identify potential risks and take action to intervene appropriately. |
When you register onto frm you:- receive a unique membership number
- set your own password
Once registered you can:
- manage your driver details
- if your contact details change
- manage your licence
- if your medical status changes
- manage your vehicles
- update maintenance records
- change your vehicle details
If a risk is highlighted within the frm system it is analysed along with other information held on the database by an frm specialist. If necessary a report will be raised with suggested actions. |
Frm is designed to reduce your organisations administration by directly liaising with the member via email and telephone for information requests. We only progress an issues with your organisation if we are unable to solve it directly with the member or, if it is necessary to notify you of something that has been flagged up and may affect the health and safety of your employees. This allows your key staff to spend time managing their day to day health and safety tasks. |
Below are just some of the ways we reduce the administration burden on your staff:
- Management of records including renewal of forms, licence validation, etc…
- Directly notifying members of changes in the law, campaigns, road safety issues
- Frm includes a Self-Registration process for those who drive on behalf of your business.
- Minimising reporting to essential items
- Problem solving directly with members
- Frm Support service for members and the organisation
- "I am not sure you appreciate the greatest selling point of your service to a business such as ours, the level of service you provide we could not achieve ourselves without spending a considerable sum of money which quite simply makes your services very cost effective”.
- “We have looked at a great many systems but none provides the administration support that frm does, which is why we choose you to provide the service”.
- “The nice thing about frm is that we never lose control of any issues or costs involved and the flexibility in your approach means that you tailor the system to us rather than us to the system”.